

Monday, February 8, 2010
There's nothing like dealing with health insurance companies to make your blood pressure rise to very unhealthy levels.  It's like this EVERY YEAR.  The first time one of us goes to the doctor, I end up coming home and calling the insurance company because the doctor's office either says we don't have coverage or the coverage isn't what we think it is.  This year there were two issues:  they didn't have information on whether my children had additional health coverage (they don't and probably never will because my husband is the one whose company has insurance) and we hadn't filled out our online health assessment, so we didn't have the $500 in our account that we were expecting.

I filled out my health assessment (which, by the way, is a big waste of time for me and money for the company) a few minutes ago.  One of the questions was "What is your blood pressure?"  Well, when they took it in November for the mandatory health screening is was "108/71".  Today it's "through the roof/heartattack waiting to happen".  Another very important question was "How many alcoholic drinks do you have on a daily basis?" and they were kind enough to tell me how many ounces qualified as 1 drink.  Normally I go for weeks without taking one sip of alcohol, but today I want to have several.  They are driving me CRAZY!!!! 

On the up side, at least I found out before it was too late to take the online health assessment to get our $500.  On the down side, I have a 14 year old home with strep.

One of my friends on Facebook mentioned having hot chocolate and Kahlua.  That sounds really good right now.  Maybe I'll have some and go take my health assessment again.  By then at least one of my answers will have changed.


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