

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Oh, good grief!!! I missed an entire month of blogging. It is now May 2, school is winding down for the year and the kiddos are winding up for summer.

My oldest son just got through taking TAKS tests. He took math and American history this week. Now he's ready for 9th grade. I wish I could say that I'm ready for him to BE in 9th grade, but that would be a lie. I'm not old enough to have a high schooler!!!!! Okay, I really am, but let's pretend that I'm not.

My youngest son had Field Day yesterday. I have never been so thankful for clouds in MY LIFE. Clouds and a breeze blowing. It made Field Day actually pleasant. It has been raining so much here in the Dallas area the last week that they had to make it Parking Lot day instead of Field Day. The kids seemed to have a great time. Of course, any time they aren't doing school work or testing is a great time when you're in third grade.

I didn't work this week, so I got some projects done around the house. When my mother was here last weekend, she made a comment about the valances in the gameroom, saying something like "So, you haven't hemmed those yet, huh?" I bought the valances at a garage sale for 25 cents each probably a year and a half ago. They matched the trundle bed cover I got at the thrift store perfectly. The only problem was they were wayyyyy too long. Valances are supposed to cover the top 1/4 of the window at the most and these covered the top 1/2 of the window at the least. I told my mom that I knew once I put them up, it was going to be a looooong time before I took them down to hem them and I was right. 1 1/2 years is pretty long for something like that. In dog years that would be 10 1/2 years. Anyway, I finally took them down, cut them off, hung them back up (looking muuuuuch better) (don't you like the way I'm emphasizing my words today) and actually made a couple of pillows to match. Am I a domestic divas or what? If you come over to my house, though, please don't look too closely at the pillows one is just a little smaller than the other one. Just glance at them and say "Wow, you did a great job."

The other project I did this week was painting my little side table. I guess I will admit to digging it out of a pile of trash in front of somebody's house a couple of weeks ago. When I dug it out, it was light blue and was a tiny bit broken. It's one of those tables that has the drop leafs on the side and a little "leg" folds out to hold up the "leaf". One of the little fold-out legs was broken off. It was also filthy and the hinges were bent. I still haven't figured out how the hinges got bent like that. I thought I would try to strip the light blue paint, but when I went to Lowe's and Walmart, the cheapest paint stripper I could find was $6.50 and I really didn't want to spend that much on a free table, especially when I didn't know what the wood looked like underneath. I decided to paint it black (I found a quart of black paint somebody had custom tinted and apparently didn't like for $3.50 at Walmart) and put it in the guest room next to the rocking chair. After several coats of paint and hammering the hingest back straight, it doesn't even look like the same table. We still have to reattach the leg, but it looks great. Now I just need a little lamp to put on it. Hopefully someone will throw one out soon and I can redo it too.

Wow, I guess I had a lot to say, but who wouldn't after not posting for a month? I'm going to say I'm going to do better about posting, but please don't hold me to that. I can't guarantee anything.


Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Good for you for getting those projects done! I'm sure you did a good job on those pillows. I love black furniture! I think everything looks better painted black or white.

Thank you for the very lovely comment you left me this morning! I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know that you get something out of my blog. It's always good to get feedback, especially when it's as nice as yours!

Have a great week and I hope a nice lamp turns up for you!


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