

Friday, January 30, 2009
I certainly don't. I just finished doing my taxes with the free edition of TurboTax. You can do your taxes free if you are filling out 1040, 1040EZ and Schedule A. This is for basic taxes only, but for a minimal charge they will also do more complicated taxes. You can also e-file free, so you can get your money back even faster. Whoo hoo!! Grand Canyon here we come.

My youngest son stayed home from school today. He said his stomach hurt. I think it's the muscles in his stomach. Remember the snow day and how they were pretending to be penguins? Well, apparently the youngest penguin overshot the boogie board and pulled some muscles in his little penguin tummy. They were doing sit-ups in PE today and he just didn't think he could do sit-ups with his tummy hurting. Since his birthday is Sunday I thought this would be an okay day to miss school. I told him we would just call it a mental health day.

Since he's home, I guess we're going to go to CiCi's and get a $5 pizza for lunch. Are we big spenders or what? Tonight for dinner we are having steak, baked potatoes and broccoli salad.

Have a fabulous Friday!!!


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