

Friday, October 9, 2009
I know what you're thinking!! Winter? Already? In Texas? Well, it seems we've skipped fall and moved right into winter. Yesterday it was 85 and realllllly humid. As I sit here writing, the wind is howling, the rain in pounding and the temperature is dropping like a rock. In the next couple of days, we are supposed to have lows in the 30s. On the bright side, at least it will feel like football weather tonight at the highschool football game. Nothing says football like sitting on metal bleachers, freezing and wishing you were home watching Monk and Psyche on a Friday night.

On a brighter note, have you ever visited Woot.com? They have lots of things you didn't know you needed for really great prices and always $5 shipping. Today is a:

Breville 15-Bar Die-Cast Espresso & Cappuccino Maker with Knocchi Knock Box for only $179.99 + $5 shipping.

I'm assuming that is a great deal since I'm not really an espresso/cappuccino kind of gal, but it must be if it's on Woot.com.

When they offer a 2-pack of Snuggies for $9.99 + $ shipping I will be the first to order. I looks like I'm going to need them.


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