

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Okay. It's official. I am ADDICTED to Farmville on Facebook. I tried to resist. My friends would send me invitations to be their neighbor or make me enticing offers of free gifts or the chance to "adopt" an ugly duckling that they found wandering on their farm.

Being the wonderful mother that I am (ha, ha), when my oldest son asked me to please send him a gift for his "farm" I said okay. That's when the torment began. Now I am constantly going to my "farm" to harvest vegetables, plow land, plant seeds and buy miscellaneous decorative items and animals for my "farm". Yes, there's even an ugly duckling that is eventually going to turn into a beautiful swan.

One of my friends sent me a free gift for my "farm" and I wrote her back and told her how addicted I was. She is on vacation from work this week and, apparently, she's spending a lot of time at her "farm" because she said all she could think about was checking to see if her vegetables were ready to be harvested.

There are a whole lot of other "games" you can play on Facebook. I refuse to be sucked in. I don't care how many requests I get to play Mafia Wars or Farkle. I'm just going to go to my virtual gazebo on my virtual farm and watch my virtual crops grow. Fortunately for my manicure, virtual dirt doesn't get under my real fingernails.


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