

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Oh   My   Goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Every time I think about writing a new post for this blog, my brain starts going in a million different directions.  I can't post about everything all at once can I?  I need to save something for that day when I have writer's block, which I'm afraid will come a lot sooner than I expect.

I guess I will go with what's at the forefront of my brain.

I'm sad/glad Christmas is over.  I'm sad because I just love the generosity of people during the holidays.  Christmas seems to bring out the best in people.  It also makes people think about the "Reason for the Season".  They might not think about Jesus much throughout the year, but they do at Christmas.  I wish everyone had the Christmas spirit all year long.

I'm glad it's over because I feel overwhelmed by the decorations in my house.  I am a minimalist and don't like a lot of clutter.  When I put out all of that "stuff" I enjoy is for a few days, but by New Year's I am ready to see it go.  It also doesn't help that I just don't really like most of the "stuff" I put out.  It's a lot of cutsy, knick knacks and I want ELEGANT (i.e. like Martha Stewart came in and decorates my house).  I have a sister-in-law that has the most beautiful decorations.  Her tree looks like a designer decorates it and she has beautiful wreaths and greenery and bows and ornaments and (you get the idea).  My husband said maybe we should get some ideas from her and I told her we would also have to get some money from her.  As much as I would like to, I just can't justify spending a whole lot of money on decorations that will be put out for about a month, so I guess until I get rich (LOL) I will keep using cutsy decorations.  At least my family doesn't care, as long as there's a tree up with presents underneath.

I would love to see pictures of your decorations (cutsy or elegant).


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