

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Disclaimer:  This is not my house, although I would LOVE to live in a house like this.  Okay, maybe not quite so run down, but the older the better.

When I got back from grocery shopping (which is scary in itself), I was putting the groceries away and I suddenly heard a beeping noise.  I ignored it for awhile and then had to go check to see what is was.  Beeping sounds are pretty common around here what with all of the video games, watches, cell phone, etc. we have around here, but this was coming from the laundry room.  I went in there and my Kenmore washing machine was trying to turn itself on.  I turned it off and went back to putting up the groceries.  It kept beeping.  Finally I just gave up turning it off.  Right now it's in there beeping away, trying to turn itself on.

I guess there's a glitch somewhere that's making it beep and all of the lights come on, but in a way I wish it was a ghost who could do laundry.  Wouldn't that be cool?  It didn't bother anybody or anything, just did laundry.  It would be better than having a maid (well, almost better), because you wouldn't have to pay it and all of your laundry would be nice and clean and put away.

On another note, I saved around $10 with coupons while I was shopping today.  Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on the way you look at it) there was a coupon hanging on the Oreos shelf that was buy a package of Oreos get a package of Oreo cakesters free.  That was just too good to pass up.

Maybe that's why we have a ghost. It's interested in the Oreo.  It better hurry and eat some, because they sure don't last long around this house.


Happy said...

If you were haunted by a ghost like that so I'm coming over with my laundry. :o)

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